CKC's Crypto Fund Management Strategy
Derisked Digital-Asset Diversification in Cayman

Asset Evaluation
Applying fundamental asset evaluation principles and extensive research to identify the right digital asset opportunities.*

Implementing well-rounded portfolios across digital asset classes and crypto use cases helps the funds we manage benefit from potential market growth while reducing risks from individual assets.*

Fund vehicles we manage continually compound interest-like revenue and capital gains over the long term.*

Risk Mitigation
We manage transparent, regulated, and third-party audited/administered funds, with infrastructure designed to mitigate a wide range of risks.*

Investor Dialogue: Davos and Think Tank Driven Events
As a globally-minded investment fund management services provider focused on a nascent asset class, CKC recognizes that investors require a more comprehensive set of resources and support from fund managers and investment partners. By fostering ongoing investor dialogue and engagement, the company aims to provide investors with the tools they need to make informed investment decisions and align their investments with their values.
Today's investors require more than just transparency from their fund management services providers and investment partners. They seek timely and detailed data and insights across multiple industries to make informed decisions and diversify their portfolios. Investors also want to align their investments with ESG principles. To achieve these goals, investors must engage in open and ongoing dialogue with fund managers, advisors, and industry thought leaders.
To facilitate this dialogue, CKC hosts exclusive in-person and online summits in partnership with ChainBLX, an innovative global fund launchpad. These summits, held in locations like Davos, Switzerland, offer investors the opportunity to interact with ChainBLX think tanks like Digital Davos, Davos Agency, and Davos Alliance. Through these initiatives, investors can exchange ideas and insights, network with their peers, and make informed investment decisions in line with their values and long-term goals.

Our Mission
CKC is an investment fund management services provider focused on forging a diverse digital asset economy through active management of derisked, diversified digital asset portfolios.

Our Vision
We strive to make the transformative power of digital assets accessible to mainstream investors by operating and managing funds that deliver superior wealth-building opportunities.